Intensive week and final event video !
The 5th intensive week organized by pôle Aliénor from May 13 to 17 in Poitiers welcomed 50 European students and teachers in traditional music. “TUNE opening borders”, held on May 17 and 18 in partnership with the FAMDT and the UPCP Métive, featured round tables, workshops with guest artists and the CREC concert with Romain […]
The 5th intensive week organized by pôle Aliénor from May 13 to 17 in Poitiers welcomed 50 European students and teachers in traditional music. “TUNE opening borders”, held on May 17 and 18 in partnership with the FAMDT and the UPCP Métive, featured round tables, workshops with guest artists and the CREC concert with Romain Baudoin and Maud Herrera.
Discover the intensive week report on the YouTUNE channel. The full recording of the CREC concert will be available soon!